David said, I always set the Lord before me. Always, like all day long, no matter what or where. I am asking the Lord first; I’ll discuss any occurrence with Him first. So, it goes like this...
In Spirit and truth - what does it really mean? Unrestrained, free from inward and outward influence, people, selfish boundaries, free from mind and flesh, but lead by the spirit....
In my early Christian days, I had the picture of the Holy Spirit being the phone line to heaven. Is my phone muted at times when I do not want to be disturbed, or am I ignoring the call? Are other apps, more important, drawing over this connection?....
The sound of joy, the sound of victory, the sound of trumpets – so many interpretations in the O.T., but what does it mean for us today? Think along with me.
Show each other the way; do it with the complete wisdom that you received from God. Not with partial wisdom, not with common sense, not with personal experience, but with all of His wisdom provision.