Thoughts about Matthew 24:35

Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away. Matthew 24:35

Read this and get a fresh wind into the Word.


That’s how I know the Word of God!

You can talk any subject dead if you keep talking about the same thing repeatedly. At some point, you have nothing to say about it anymore that wouldn’t be a repeat. This often happens in the Church, not led by the Holy Spirit but by a pastor/teacher who only reads the Bible with his head. A little dead sermon that won’t inspire anybody to live for Christ. I grew up in a country where this is common, and as the preacher teaches, so the congregation practices.

But the Bible that is read with the Holy Spirit never gets old! Every time you read a book, chapter, or just a verse, it opens up with a new view applicable to the subject of the particular time. It seems like an endless source of wisdom, a spring never running dry. That’s why the Word of God is called The Living Word. God speaks through it to us, and it is a never-ending source. It is alive, and God is omnipotent. Yes, the Bible has an answer to every subject, not when you read it with your head/mind, but when you read it with your heart. You may have a troubling situation, and you come across a verse that you thought you knew already, a verse that sounds so clear and familiar, and still, suddenly, you read it, and it's the answer to your problem. You may come across it while just reading, or the Bible opens up to it, and your eye falls on the spot, or a person brings you a verse. God has so many ways to get through to us, to reach out to us and guide us.

The Bible, the Word of God, is like your glasses, a hearing aid, or crutches. Your glasses are a tool to see, your hearing aid is a tool to hear, and the crutches are a tool to help you walk. The Bible is a tool to get in touch with God, to connect with him, and to have him connect with you. It’s essential!

People say they don't need to listen to a preacher or read their Bible because they know right from wrong. Others say they have read the Bible once, which is enough to understand. Both are lies of the enemy! The Bible, the Word of God, is so precious; if you love God, you will use it to connect with him. If you say you love Him but reject to spend time in His word, you reject God and His wisdom. God doesn't like that! He is not going to invest in you much if you can live your life without him. The Word of God is so much more important than any book can be because it's not just a book! It's alive if you have the Holy Spirit living in you. So, in the same way, that without glasses you won't see and you won't be able to work, in the same way that without your hearing aid you’re not able to communicate, and in the same way that your walking problems keep you from getting you from point A to B, in exactly the same way you're not able to function without the Word of God in your life. Your heart and desire for Him once you taste the goodness of God and His presence will never be the same. The Word of God is not just a book but a spring of life!

Jesus said, ‘My word will not pass away.’ The Word of the Lord is indestructible because it is part of God. It is alive, and it is His; neither can you destroy God nor His Word. The Bible has survived many generations and attacks; I always thought about the physical book that cannot be destroyed. Yes, it can be burned, it is paper, and it can deteriorate, but the Word of the Lord will not pass away.

And so, here I'm back to the thought from the beginning: Heaven and Earth will pass away… To me, it means the end times have passed, we have ascended to heaven, and the Word of the Lord has still not passed away, not even here. We will have the Word of God forever, and it will never get old or boring. It will always have us something new to give - for eternity! Let that sink in. It can’t be talked dead; it will never get old and will not pass away. The Word of the Lord is alive; it is God, an everlasting source of life!

I challenge you: If you don’t know the Bible like this, consider that something important might be missing in your life and start searching for it. And then, search for it as if your life depended on it!

May His faithful hand guide you.