Thoughts about Psalm 16:8

I have set the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved. Psalm 16:8

David said, I always set the Lord before me. Always, like all day long, no matter what or where. I am asking the Lord first; I’ll discuss any occurrence with Him first. I like practical application, so here it goes.  

I walk outside, and as I look at the garden, I smell propane. What is my first reaction? Panic? Running inside and calling all my friends? Calling that one special person? Or am I holding in for a moment and asking God if He knows of a gas leak in the tank? God, how do I best approach this? If He answers yes or no, great! Then, He will lead you all the way through. Discuss any subject with Him first, no matter the circumstance, emergency, or just buying apples! David has been doing this, putting the Lord continuously before him. Luther called it: I always put the Lord before my eyes. It comes out to the same thing, but it really means that you have God right before you; it means that you have Him in between you and your problem or any other circumstance. God first and then the problem. You look at the situation through the Lord, meaning you ask Him, discuss with Him, and fellowship with Him about your life.

Remember, David was a great and experienced warrior, and still, he would always ask God for directions. We should do the same about anything! One could argue, well, God gave me a brain. Yes, He sure did and it is wise to use it according to Scripture. (John 15:5) We can do nothing worthy without Him, and He is so willing to walk with us! If you think you can do it without Him, the question arises: where is the line? Just ask when I need something from Him, when I have exhausted my wisdom? That is not God’s wish for us.

 All day long, have the Lord before your eyes!

He's at my right hand, and I will not be shaken, worried, afraid, panicking. He is with me and He is for me! He's holding my right hand, which means He's right beside me! (Psalm 16:8) He's above me; his wings cover me! (Psalms 91:4) He's behind me; he got my back! (Isaiah 52:12)

Let that sink in; He's all around us! What a wonderful, beautiful thought! May the peace of this thought carry you through anything.