The source of most Scripture this web page is using is the World English Bible (WEB). Thank you so much (WEB) for publishing a public domain Bible in modern English language! Some Scripture is modified with help from the Luther Bible (LUTH1545), which is also public domain. World English Bible allows modification, but also requests not be referred to if done so.
For this reason when Scripture is used, will not state the version used, but is very thankful to be able to work with these two Bible versions. The links below will give you some information about them.
FAQ about World English Bible
About the Luther Bible (LUTH1545)
Michael Johnson is doing a great work by publishing the Bible in many languages. If you agree that the Word of God should be available and being used by anybody without permission, please consider supporting his ministry.
All Scripture provision by RefTagger (hover-over windows) is chosen in New American Standard Bible (NASB 1995).
In some of the newer writings, uses the NASB 1995 as a reference. It makes it easier to follow along with the Scripture provision by RefTagger.
Scripture quotations taken from the (NASB®) New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. All rights reserved.