Worshippers, Why Can’t You Stay Home?

Church parking lots are full on Sunday morning amid a pandemic that is growing rather than slowing down. I have a hard time believing that God is in this. Have you pastors gotten clear directions on continuing services? Please share.

What I see is Christians not representing our Lord according to the Word. How can one be so blind and not comply with the law and think there will be heavenly protection? People (this includes the congregations), do you think you have to prove your faith? And to whom?

The option of worshipping from home opens up new perspectives and God can take the lead in every household. A lot of good can come out of this! Broken routines, every believer getting involved to participate and freedom from “What will my pew neighbor think?”. Glory to God for revival in our homes!

As a previous atheist, I can give you a clear picture of how these full parking lots come across. If I were to drive by a busy lot, it would greatly irritate me that the church folks are what they always are - better than others, stuck-up and not needing to play by the rules.
Open churches, please consider that you are a threat to others because people (especially people who do not know Jesus) are scared right now!

I saw a headline on social media stating that a pastor got arrested for having an unauthorized church service. Nicely addressing the subject in the comment box to consider the situation we are in, I got responses indignant about breaking the 1st Amendment and that a law that does not line up with the Constitution is no law at all. Give me a break people, somebody is misled here! We are not dealing with persecution; we are fighting to save lives. Shame on you! This isn’t about worshipping God; this is about claiming your rights. Perhaps anybody falling into this category needs a pride adjustment. By the way, pride is not an option in the kingdom - down here and or in the eternal one either!

Additionally, there are churches that are allowed to have their services because they are excluded from the gathering rule in certain states. The impression they leave with others is the same as in the first case. The Scripture that comes to mind is 1Cor. 8:13 Paul said to be considerate. How much more considerate should Christians be in this time today? The lost need Jesus, not controversies.

If you need more Scripture about going to church on Sunday I recommend Romans 14. Just because you think you are invincible by standing on the Word, you cannot go around greeting everybody with a holy hug in the store. Christians are always about good works so the lost can see that we are different and loving. Let’s be loving today and not be different! Be a great example and shine by staying home!
I am impressed with how most megachurches humbly handle this coronavirus situation. They submit to the authorities like I believe Jesus would have done. They are thankful for the technology given to us and use it. Keep doing what you are doing because this is how people need to see the church right now, a place to tap in. They can log in, observe, and get a taste of Jesus; the hunger today is greater than ever!
Be wise.

“All things are lawful for me,” but not all things are profitable. “All things are lawful for me,” but not all things build up. Let no one seek his own, but each one his neighbor’s good.
— 1Cor. 10:23-24