The Opportuned!
We, the generation of Coronavirus with the privilege of knowing Jesus, are the Opportuned. What are you going to do with it?
Who could have ever imagined the times we are finding ourselves in? Besides much great sadness and grief for affected loved ones, we suffer hardship in so many areas of life. Wondering how to pay the next rent after being laid-off, having a house full of children with schools being closed, not being able to attend the wedding or funeral of your friends, not even being able to comfort your mom or dad in the nursing home. The list goes on and on.
What are we to do in a time like this? I have already seen a lot of good come out of it, just by watching social media and seeing the efforts of people loving on people.
Yes, call your neighbor and ask if you can assist! For example, text all the older people you can think of and offer to run to the store for them. Be encouraged that if you are in the will of God – He will sustain you! (Psalm 54:4 Behold, God is my helper. The Lord is the one who sustains my soul.)
If you are in need, speak up boldly for help and voice your need. Reach out, somebody will come to your rescue! How shall one know if he isn’t told?
Mothers focus on the blessing of having your children under your care. Most of the time you are too busy trying to make ends meet. Please don’t be overwhelmed by worry, but receive the blessing of time! Worries will not give you anything, worry will steal your time. Focus on the good!
Fathers pick up the spiritual lead of your flock. Churches are closed and the games are off. Please consider sitting down today and asking the Lord to provide a word for you. Gather your family in the morning and have church at home. No matter if you are two, three or ten – you are the church. Even if you are just by yourself, with Jesus as your intercessor and the Holy Spirit in you – you can gather before the Father. Share how God has blessed you in the past, sing some hymns, pray, and the Holy Spirit will take it from there! This is an opportunity God has given to us all, you can sit down and watch the online service later.
These are new times and perhaps God is asking, “What are you going to do with it?” I think He is saying, quit playing church and be the church. May the Lord keep you safe!
“The Lord bless you, and keep you. The Lord make his face to shine on you, and be gracious to you. The Lord lift up his face toward you, and give you peace.”