Sumatran Tiger
God's beautiful creation is endless in design

Animals are made just as affectionate as we are

Rocky Mountain Elk
Majestic mountain animals

Baby cuteness

Hardly ever do you get to see this beautiful face

Mountain Lion
Facing one without a weapon, like David did?! Only with God!

Red Fox
Animals face hard times too

Bighorn Sheep
They are amazing climbers

The wolf, hated by a lot of people because of his violent hunting schemes, but still a very beautiful animal. In fact, I want to state that there is none of God's creation that is not beautiful or awesome in one way or another - because all of His creation is amazing!

Lion Baby Siblings
Oh, the lightheartedness of youth …..

African Oryx
Beware of those horns

Looks like these paws are on a mission

Of course the camel! Rebecca watered them, the wise men rode them, and Job got his multiplied

Giraffe Pattern
God's beautiful creation is like no other. Who could come up with enough different pattern so no animal has to look alike!