As I came home last night, after having the shocking experience of empty meat shelves, sold out canned goods and rationed bread aisles at the grocery store, I fell into an overwhelming feeling of thankfulness. Crazy? I was actually glad to have seen the need that otherwise is just talked about in the news, usually news from third world countries or war zones. There were only a few people in the store at the time and everybody was walking slowly, pushing their carts and keeping their distance, not necessarily wanting to share an aisle with another shopper. It was probably the most surreal, but peaceful shopping experience I’ve ever had!
So, I looked around my humble little home covered in a cloud of thankfulness, thankful for the silliest little things. I had an appreciation for the little I had rather than the multitude I needed; I can’t explain it. I think I was covered in the peace that only Jesus can give.
My prayer for you today is, that you focus on the good. There is still good around in this huge misery. Go, intentionally looking for it! And be thankful!
‘Turn your eyes upon Jesus’ is one of the first songs I ever heard in church and it stuck with me through all those years walking with God. I always just knew the chorus and the words have proved themselves to be true over and over again. While I was writing this little episode, I had to think about those words again. The song is based on Isaiah 45:22
Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
In the light of His glory and grace.
“Look to me, and be saved, all the ends of the earth;
for I am God, and there is no other.